La Regola 2-Minute per WIDAF考试注册

The first part includes three sections, one dedicated to the mastery of business vocabulary, the second to grammar and the last to reading comprehension. The second part of WiDaF is dedicated to listening comprehension.

提交成功!非常感谢您的反馈,我们会继续努力做到更好! 您可在我的云声建议查看反馈及问题处理状态。 系统繁忙,请稍后重试 在使用文档中是否遇到以下问题

The WiDaF is an internationally recognized official German test. It is useful for companies Per mezzo di their recruitment and job development processes as it assesses the German language skills of candidates Con a professional context.

La difficulté de cette partie Levante de rester concentré d’un bout à l’autre, notamment parce que vous n'entendrez les enregistrements de certains exercices qu’une seule fois.

Having a good knowledge of the skills measured during the exam will help you to focus on the essential points during your WiDaF training. Moreover, you can access the detailed corrections for each exercise and mock exams and follow the evolution of your scores as you prepare through the "Statistics and Corrections" section.

Saisir l’essentiel de différents types de read more conversation lors des appels téléphoniques, des réunions ou rencontres enregistrés afin de l’utiliser dans un contexte professionnel et notamment :

Vous devez vous poser ces questions avant de vous inscrire au WiDaF. En vous efforçant d'y répondre, vous prendrez automatiquement conscience de l'objectif que vous devez atteindre en passant cet examen de langue.


You can find all these revision sheets for free on our blog. The GlobalExam blog also possesses several explanatory articles on the logistics which are linked to passing the WiDaF (registration procedures, advice on obtaining a good score, etc.), so that you can prepare Con the best of conditions.

KLUs represent the most prominent ways students use language as they investigate and explain phenomena, support claims with evidence, and share stories about their experiences.




Il vespro indiqué au candidat libre sur sa convocation s’il passe l'épreuve sous format papier ou sous format digital.

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